Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now What

well. It goes with out say we all have a lot of things to worry about: the global market taking a nose dive which lead to many of us losing our jobs, and let us not forget our friends the banks and other lenders who for the better part screwed us once again and yet after freely giving high risk loans like candy, we pay for it. So how is it in such darkness does one continue too be a realistic optimist, who knows? I role with the punches, just like you. but I always try to focus on the big picture. and I read though the pages of my notebook with all my favorite quotes, and personal letters that mean the most to me it helps me to get through the tuff times. My quote for you today is " Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world: Indeed it's the only thing that ever has!"- Margaret Meade.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


I have found myself yet again at another crossroad in life and like many crossroads they are either of ones own making, or a sudden mudslide that topels over us which is given to us by lifes sense of dry humor. I need also add one more, other people and like life it often comes in the form of a mudslide. This is life and how we deal with it is what is important, first don't panic, second don't overreact, third don't whine about it, and fourth fix it or move on.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Beware of the dating sites

I like yourself and many of your friends have at one time or another logged on to one of many dating sites, you may have even join one of them at some point. Hey we all deserve to find our perfect match, the trouble with most is the fact there is no reel screening process, which I am sure that you are aware of and know what you read about the person or even the picture that is pasted on their about me page may not be the person your talking to. What I would like to discuss is the scam you may run across with a few of the people you chat with on these sites, it start out very Innocent you get a hit on your profile from this very attractive person so you go to their profile and read a little about the person and right where it tells you their location you can see their from another state, but your still interested so you responded back. Everything seems to be going well between the two of you, your IM each other regularly, then it comes they say that maybe they are about to get disconnected from their Internet service if they do not come up with the money to pay their bill. So they start talking about how much they will miss talking to you and what you to send them the money via Western union, but here is the kicker they are not from the state that they had put on their profile, they are from ( you guessed it ) Nigeria.
My advise run like hell. The better scam is the one that happens after there as been a build up of trust and they have got you believing they are the one you will spend the rest of your life with, so pretty soon they start talking about being with you and how they only need X amount of money to get a plane ticket and they need you to send money ( western union) of course. Again let me leave you with this, Run like hell.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Just the beginning

I would like to welcome you to Nevia's Closet, a blog about what is hidden in my deepest thoughts, both real and part of my deepest fantasy. It will also be an honest look in to the stuff you have gone through.

I will be posting at least twice a week.